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Monday, December 21, 2009
...the phrase "heroic virtues" was an early Christmasn present to you this year. "JP2, We love you!" "Pius12..." umm... uh... "you're top shelf!" posted by Anonymous 12:28 PM
Thursday, December 03, 2009've ever thought "I would love to be cloistered in the Vatican for 5 years!" posted by Anonymous 11:00 AM
Sunday, November 29, 2009 totally geek out over the pope's new ferula. posted by Anonymous 10:50 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 get goosebumps when you see an Ignatius book (the spine of which you can identify from 1000 yards) on the shelves of your local library or chain bookstore. posted by Anonymous 6:35 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009 geek out over finding the word "ineffable" in the New Yorker. posted by Anonymous 1:58 PM
Friday, April 24, 2009 love "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" but hearing it only makes you long even more to chant the Te Deum. posted by Anonymous 2:18 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
...your election mourning is tempered by relief that you won't hear the words "proportionate reason" for another two years. posted by Anonymous 11:26 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008 meet your future spouse at a Theology of the Body discussion group. posted by Anonymous 8:30 AM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
from reader Catlin Barr: can't find a date because all your male friends are planning on entering the seminary. call attending two masses in one day "double dipping." call the mass of Pius V the "trid."
...our best friend's favorite article of clothing is his custom-made cassock... and he's not a priest.
Blogger finally let me reclaim this blog! Hopefully, I'll post more than once a year. posted by Anonymous 9:30 PM
Thursday, June 08, 2006
...your five day trip to southern California is planned not for a trip to Disney Land, but for a trip to visit the Carmelites of Alhambra. posted by Anonymous 9:30 AM
| your dreams you compose a hymn calling Protestant denominations back to the one true faith to the tune of "The Church's One Foundation."
OK, maybe I just have bizaare dreams. posted by Anonymous 9:27 AM
Saturday, March 11, 2006 agonize over naming a potential set of twins after famous saint-pairs. Cyril - yes! but, er, Methodius? Felicity - allright! but c'mon... Perpetua??? posted by Anonymous 1:40 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
... you dream about receiving a phone call from Joaquin Navarro-Valls to discuss media coverage of an upcoming papal visit. (Result of the call: Navarro-Valls fell asleep on the other end of the phone. I have strange dreams.) posted by Anonymous 7:52 AM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006 have a conversation similar to the following once a year:
Papa-Lu: Darn, my birthday Octave is over. Oh well... at least my epiphany is on a Sunday this year.
Mama-Lu: Too bad! I guess we don't celebrate it.
Papa-Lu: Ah, but certain local feasts can supercede a Sunday. posted by Anonymous 11:08 PM
Friday, June 18, 2004
We interrupt this blog to bring you the news of the birth of a tiny Catholic Nerd.
Jenny L. and Chris L., contributors to this blog, gave birth to Matthew Boniface L. on June 17th.
For information and pictures (eventually), go here. posted by Anonymous 2:41 PM
Monday, February 23, 2004
... you get momentarily confused when you hear the word "discernment" refering to something besides trying to determine God's will. posted by Anonymous 5:43 PM
Sunday, November 09, 2003 can rattle off the times for every Sunday and Daily Mass in town. posted by Anonymous 5:19 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2003 not only know what a motu proprio is, but you fantasize about ones you would issue if you were Pope (I would ban certain hymns and certain musical instruments in Mass) :) posted by Anonymous 3:50 PM
Friday, September 05, 2003 greet a friend with "Happy Feast Day!" because today is the feast of the saint whose name he took at his Confirmation. have ever considered naming one of your possible children after one of the more obscure Fathers of the Church. (Hopefully you then realize that no one will be able to spell or pronounce it.) have ever referred to a saint not by his or her name, but simply as your patron or patroness. (Extra points for referring to Mary only as your Mother.) actually have a party on the feast of one of your favorite saints. (Katie, we must begin plans for St. Cecilia's day this year.) know that if you became a nun, you would wear a habit. (For guys--you'd consider wearing a cassock if you became a priest.) have a desire to say a Glory Be after every prayer. (Extra points for wanting to say a Gloria Patri, mucho points for wanting to chant a Gloria Patri.)
...knowing that a guy or girl goes to daily Mass is a big turn-on.
(borrowed from posted by Anonymous 1:47 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2003
...your son shows you the list of books he needs for his 6 weeks of study and training as a FOCUS missionary the night before he's leaving, and you have all but two of the eight on your shelf - and those two are at the office.
(submitted by Ron Hazen.)
Bonus Nerd points if you already knew that FOCUS is the Fellowship of Catholic university Students. posted by Anonymous 4:50 PM
...…your most common phrase at parties starts with “Well, the Catholic Catechism says…”
(submitted by Catherine Prochko) posted by Anonymous 4:18 PM
...your emergency kit contains not just duct tape and food bars, but a bottle of holy water, rosaries all around, and medals and prayer cards.
(submitted by Alicia Huntley of Fructus Ventris)
posted by Anonymous 4:15 PM
Monday, June 16, 2003 invite more priests to your wedding than you have attendants. posted by Anonymous 1:48 PM
Friday, May 30, 2003 know the three levels of Monsignor and what the difference is between them. (I'm not a nerd in this respect since I only know "Protonotary Apostolic" and "Prelate of Honor", but I bet some nerd out there can drop a comment with more info. C'mon, you know you want to!) posted by Anonymous 1:28 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
....your gauge your movie pix based on their ratings: A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV and O. posted by Anonymous 3:42 PM
Monday, April 21, 2003
...and if part of the reason you got lost was because your passenger was reading aloud from the Diary of St. Faustina, so you forgot to pay attention to the street signs. posted by Anonymous 4:14 PM
...when getting lost while driving, you don't get mad, you say, "well, at least we got to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet." posted by Anonymous 4:13 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 are the only one in the room who laughs when people are making fun of somebody for liking the band PHISH and somebody says, "You know you should listen to PHISH on Fridays!" (This prolly falls more under the Catholic Dork category, but, that is close enough)
posted by Anonymous 12:42 PM
Sunday, April 06, 2003 have a disturbing dream that a series of misprints in the breviary shatters your prayer life. posted by Anonymous 4:23 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2003 can list the appointments and privileges associated with being a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. Actually, it's pretty nerdy just to know what "appointments" are. posted by Anonymous 10:43 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
...your daily planner is a "Liturgical Desk Calendar." posted by Anonymous 11:47 AM
Thursday, February 27, 2003
...the only reading material you bring with you on a plane trip is Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla and Triumph: The Power and Glory of the Catholic Church- A 2000 Year History by H.W. Crocker III posted by Anonymous 6:06 PM
Monday, February 03, 2003
...your VCR is programmed to tape every episode of Fulton Sheen's Life is Worth Living that airs on EWTN. posted by Anonymous 2:58 PM
Friday, January 31, 2003 and your friends break out a calendar, (one of the free ones that your Parish gives away) and go through it to see whose feast days are when. (I suppose if you are a true Catholic nerd, you would already know :) posted by Anonymous 3:42 PM
...on a Friday night, you stay up with your friends until 1.30 am, watching EWTN. posted by Anonymous 3:40 PM
Thursday, January 30, 2003 have a dream that you receive the charismatic gift of tongues, and think to yourself, "oh, so that's how it comes!" posted by Anonymous 2:50 PM
| have a dream that you are in adoration....and the Eucharist begins to bleed...and your big dilemma is whether to leave Jesus alone and get a priest to show him the miracle, or to stay with Jesus. (I stayed, by the way) posted by Anonymous 2:49 PM
Wednesday, January 29, 2003 feel really conflicted because your house smells like Christmas and Easter at the same time. (We had a Christmas tree and lilies!) posted by Anonymous 9:32 AM
Tuesday, January 28, 2003 a pre-Christmas party, you ask your friends if anyone will be "liturgically offended" if you light all four of the candles on the Advent wreath even though it is just Thursday of the 3rd week of Advent. posted by Anonymous 9:43 AM
| refer to having a bit too much to drink as, "not in the best state to evangelize." (To which your friends reply, "meet 'em where they're at, man!") posted by Anonymous 9:29 AM
Monday, January 27, 2003
...the biggest fight you've had with your boyfriend is about which one of you was praying the Apostles' creed wrong.
posted by Anonymous 10:36 AM
Friday, January 24, 2003 pray bits of the rosary whenever you drive, instead of listening to the radio (props to MJT for that one!) posted by Anonymous 2:26 PM
...your roommate tells you that you were talking about the pope in your sleep (this was a few years ago) posted by Anonymous 12:55 PM
| ask for the intercession of people who have not yet been canonized, and it isn't some friend or relative. posted by Anonymous 12:50 PM
| think it is *very* romantic to switch rosaries with your boyfriend. posted by Anonymous 11:45 AM
Tuesday, January 21, 2003 publish a list to the internet of all the silly Catholic attributes you and your friends have, and are very proud of them! posted by Anonymous 12:17 PM
..your biggest turn on is a man wearing a scapular! posted by Anonymous 12:16 PM
Saturday, January 18, 2003
...your job training includes playing "Sacramentary games." Super-nerd points if you play for leisure as well. posted by Anonymous 10:21 AM
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
...your boyfriend tells you you are one of his many girls, and you are not offended, bc the rest of them are Mary, St. Therese, St. Joan of Arc.... posted by Anonymous 9:01 AM